Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic Therapy Service In Zurich

Psychodynamic therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on exploring unconscious patterns & unresolved conflicts that influence an individual's emotions, behavior, and relationships. By gaining insight into these underlying factors, psychodynamic therapy aims to help individuals develop new insights, coping mechanisms, and ways of relating to others.

Here’s a bit more detail about psychodynamic therapy.

What is Psychodynamic Therapy?

Psychodynamic therapy is based on the idea that our unconscious thoughts and emotions significantly shape our behavior and relationships. By exploring these unconscious processes, psychodynamic therapy can help individuals understand the root causes of their emotional distress and make meaningful changes in their lives.

Now you may be thinking, how do we perform this complicated therapy? Let’s have a look.

How Does Psychodynamic Therapy Work?

Psychodynamic therapy typically involves regular sessions with a trained therapist over an extended period, ranging from a few months to several years. The therapist creates a safe and non-judgmental environment where individuals can explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, often using free association and dream analysis techniques.

Through the therapeutic relationship, the therapist helps the individual explore the underlying causes of their emotional distress. These causes may include unresolved childhood conflicts, unconscious behavior patterns, and interpersonal relationships. By bringing these unconscious patterns to the surface, individuals can gain insight into their behavior and develop new coping strategies.

So what results can we expect after psychodynamic therapy work? Here’s the answer.

Results of Attending Psychodynamic Therapy

Individuals who attend psychodynamic therapy may experience various benefits, including increased self-awareness, emotional regulation, & improved interpersonal relationships. On top of that, psychodynamic therapy can also help individuals address multiple emotional & psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, and relationship problems.

With increased self-awareness and insight, individuals develop new ways of coping with emotional distress and making meaningful life changes.

Now let’s briefly examine what an individual can expect during the psychodynamic therapy session.

What to Expect

During a psychodynamic therapy session, individuals can expect a non-judgmental and supportive environment in which they can explore their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The therapist may use techniques like free association, dream analysis, and interpretation to help individuals uncover unconscious patterns and explore their emotions. Sessions typically last 50 minutes to an hour and occur regularly.

After all this discussion, you must have got an idea about psychodynamic therapy's useful benefits. But still, let’s talk a little about these benefits to make it crystal clear.

Benefits of Psychodynamic Therapy

One of the primary benefits of psychodynamic therapy is increased self-awareness and insight into one's emotions, behavior, and relationships. By understanding the underlying causes of emotional distress, individuals can develop new coping strategies and make meaningful life changes. But other than that, psychodynamic therapy can also help individuals develop more positive and fulfilling relationships and improve their emotional regulation, leading to greater well-being.


In conclusion, psychodynamic therapy allows individuals to explore their emotions and relationships in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. Through regular therapy sessions, individuals can gain insight into unconscious behavior patterns and develop new coping mechanisms, increasing self-awareness and overall well-being.


Contact Us

Reach out to us for any queries or to book a session with our licensed psychotherapist and start your journey toward mental well-being today.